Journal of Conflict Transformation and Security | JCTS

ISSN: 2045-1903 (Online) | Biannual (April-October) | Open-access | Peer-reviewed

Prof. Alpaslan Özerdem – alpozerdem [@]

Prof. Nergis Canefe – jcts.editors [@]

Book Editor:
Prof. Nur Koprulu – jcts.editors [@]

The Journal of Conflict Transformation and Security (JCTS) provides a unique platform to analyze conflict transformation and security as processes for initiating and endorsing  ‘change’ in a non-violent way to produce sustainable and equitable outcomes for all parties effected by historical injustices, warfare and civil strife. A wide range of human security concerns have been addressed by both ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ measures.  The Journal’s scope not only covers critical issue such as restructuring the governance apparatus, reintegration of ex-combatants, clearance of explosive remnants of war and cross-border management, but also the protection of human rights, justice, citizenship rights, divided societies, and, rule of law and governance within the larger context of transitional justice measures. The JCTS advocates the view that by addressing conflict transformation and security holistically, it is possible to achieve [a high level of stability and human security, requiring/delete] interventions at both policy and practitioner level. These would include conflict management, negotiated peace agreements, peacekeeping strategies, physical reconstruction, economic recovery, compensation measures, lustration, psycho-social support for post-trauma, rebuilding of primary services such as education and health, truth and reconciliation measures including special courts addressing crimes against humanity and war crimes, addressing of exodus, displacement and forced-migration related issues, corporate responsibility, and enabling social cohesion by the critical addressing of issues such as collective memory, societal responsibility and changes in related rights regimes and administrative law as well as public international law. A number of other macro-level governance issues from constitution writing to state accountability and human rights debates also need to be considered as part of this process of ‘change’.

The Editors welcome all submissions under the rubric of Conflict Transformation from a ‘critical human security’  perspective and preference will be given to articles that address and contribute to important disciplinary and interdisciplinary debates, questions and controversies using case studies, empirical and field research and comparative analysis. The JCTS particularly welcomes contributions from authors based in the Global South and practitioners at policy field and NGO/INGO networks. The journal also welcomes versatile format submissions including manuscripts adhering to the narrative politics style, internet-based art installations, field reports, and interviews with leading figures in the fields of human security, transitional justice, and conflict studies.

Published by CESRAN | Centre for Strategic Research and Analysis in London, United Kingdom.