JCTS | Book Review Guideline

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Journal of Conflict Transformation and Security (JCTS)

Book Review Guidelines

JCTS welcomes requests to review books and to prepare cluster reviews on a pertinent subject matter to be published in our biannual journal. We also welcome inquiries and submissions by publishers who have new books on the market relevant to the journal’s fields of expertise. 

If you are interested in submitting a review or, if you are a publisher interested in providing books for review, please send an email to [email protected] and include the following information:

  • Name and Address (including e-mail)
  • Professional affiliation
  • Areas of Expertise

Decisions about who may review books for JCTS are made by the Book Review Editor. All book reviews become the property of JCTS. All books submitted for review become the property of JCTS or its reviewers and they are placed under the custodianship of the Book Review Editor.

When writing book reviews please abide by the following guidelines:

  1. Deadlines: All deadlines must be met in order to provide timely publication of your reviews. Please honour the due date assigned by the Book Review Editor. Typically, the deadline is within 30 days of your receipt of a book.
  2. Content and tone: Please consider how the book contributes to the field, what specific contributions is makes to the chosen areas of scholarship, and if it engages with new methods, whether its findings are unique and whether it corresponds to existing debates. Please substantiate any positive remarks or negative criticism, and please observe libel issues and do not engage in personally attacking the author.
  3. Footnotes: When using direct quotes please provide exact pagination in the body of the review only. Footnotes are not to be used for book reviews except in composite book reviews. If a foreign-language quotation is translated, please include the original text at the end of the review as an addendum with full citation.
  4. Bibliographic Citation: Please cite all bibliographic information at the top of the review in the format provided by the Book Review editor, including the ISN number and other pertinent details.
  5. Names: Provide the full names of any persons you mention in the review and provide full citation of other resources you may refer to at the end of the text.
  6. Length: 750-1000 word unless agreed otherwise.
  7. Name, City and State: Please include your name and all contact data (institutional affiliation, address, e-mail) at the top of your review.

All reviews commissioned by JCTS are the exclusive property of JCTS. All copyright rights shall be owned by and be in the name of JCTS.  JCTS grants review authors the right to reprint their reviews in any format that they choose, without the payment of royalties, subject to giving proper credit to the original publication through JCTS. JCTS reviews may be copied for non-profit educational use provided proper credit is given to the review author and JCTS. Reviewers should agree not to write a separate review of the same work for any other publications and confirm this in writing.