JCTS | Guidelines – Academic Article

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Journal of Conflict Transformation and Security (JCTS)

Guidelines | Academic Article

  1. Articles submitted should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time.
  2. Articles should not exceed 10000 words (including footnotes and References), and 1500 for single book reviews and 2000 for reviews of two books or more. The minimum length for Articles is 5000 words (including footnotes and References). A word count must be provided in all cases. The Editors regret that articles and reviews over the stipulated word lengths cannot be considered. All articles must be prepared according to the JCTS style guide otherwise they will not be accepted for publication.
  3. Articles for the journal should be submitted via email to: alpozerdem [at] cesran.org. Book reviews should be submitted via email to the Book Review Editor at: sung.lee [at] coventry.ac.uk.
  4. In order to meet the criterion of anonymity we would strongly advise authors not to refer to themselves by name in the text of their submission with the proofs.
  5. If a submitted article is selected for publication, its copyright will be transferred to Centre for Strategic Research and Analysis (CESRAN). Published papers can be cited by giving the necessary bibliographical information. For re-publication of any article in full-text permission must be sought from the editors.
  6. Authors will be required to sign a Copyright Assignment Form (please click here to download) and to send it to the Editor (alpozerdem [at] cesran.org) for all papers accepted for publication.
  7. All submissions are subject to a double blind peer review.
  8. Authors bear responsibility for their contributions. Statements of fact or opinion appearing in The Journal of Conflict Transformation and Security are solely those of the authors and do not imply endorsement by the Journal or the CESRAN.
  9. Although Conflict Transformation and Security is an on-line journal, the editors intend to publish some special issues in paperback book format.