By Shahid R. Siddiqi | 15 August 2010 Washington uses inaccurate WikiLeaks Intel to whip Pakistan military and ISI and deflect attention from its own failures and excesses. WikiLeaks founder, Julian...
By Prof. Inderjeet Parmar | 13 August 2010 British Prime Minister David Cameron recently declared his wish to build – or rather renew – Britain's 'special relationship' with India. The likelihood...
By Dr. Guy Burton | 11 August 2010 During the current Venezuela-Colombia spat, one particular comment by the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez, was particularly striking – although not necessarily for the...
By Prof. Inderjeet Parmar | 01 August 2010 Even as British leaders, and the media, proclaim the imminent death of the 'special relationship' with the United States, they cannot seem to...
By Eliot Cohen | 10 August 2010 AI: Let's start with the Stanley McChrystal episode. What's your take on this? Why did the general act with such inexplicable tactlessness? Did President Obama,...
By Prof. Barry Rubin | 08 August 2010 This is one of those stories about the Middle East that is totally amazing but not the least bit surprising. What, you ask,...
Prof. Inderjeet Parmar | 30 July 2010 All men may well be born equal but their deaths certainly betray huge inequalities. A month or so ago (24 June, to be precise), Michael...
By James Petras | 28 July 2010 "We are confronting a monster; a force that ridicules, deceives and wants to destroy us". - Miguel Angel Ibara, member of the Mexican Electrical Workers...
By Dr. Guy Burton | 26 July 2010 Relations between Colombia and Venezuela appear to have hit a new low. Diplomatic relations between the two countries were severed by Venezuela's government following...
By Prof. Stefan Wolff | 23 July 2010 Does the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on Kosovo’s Declaration of Independence Resolve Anything? I always tell my students that,...
By Prof. Stefan Wolff | 18 June 2010 Ever since the Pentagon announced that it estimated Afghanistan to sit on around $1 trillion of minerals, including iron ore, copper, cobalt, gold,...
By Peter Berger | 22 July 2010 Israel was established as both a democratic and a Jewish state. Both qualities continue to be real enough. But there have been increasing tensions between...
By Walter Russell Mead | 23 July 2010 During the next two weeks I'll be visiting Pakistan at the invitation of the US Embassy there. I won't be there to toe the...
By Zaur Shiriyev | 15 July 2010 Current public policy debates in Armenia and Azerbaijan over a possible Nagorno-Karabakh war are more acceptable to those who want to return to their homes...
By Peter Berger | 17 July 2010 A Chinese sage defined a wise person as one who sees things together which others see as apart. Writing a blog implies the presumption of at least...