JCTS | Style Guidelines

Journal of Conflict Transformation and Security (JCTS)

Style Guidelines

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Font Times New Roman, 1.5 space, 12 font for main text. 10 font for footnotes.
Margin All margins should be 2.5cm
Cover Page Author’s name, title and full address with a brief biographical note should be typed on the first page. The following page begins with the title, abstract and key words followed by the main text of the article. Any acknowledgments should appear in a footnote on the second page.
Title In bold with an initial capital letter for each proper noun
Author’s names The names of all contributing authors should appear under the title and written as you wish them to appear in the published article.
Abstract The abstract must be indented and in italics. It should summarize the main arguments and conclusions in less than 150 words.
Tables and Figures Tables and figures should not be embedded in the text but sent as separate files. A short descriptive title should appear above each table with a clear legend and any footnotes suitably identified below. All units must be included. Figures should be completely labelled, taking into account necessary size reduction. Indicate in the text where the tables and figures should appear.
Keywords 5-7 keywords indicating to main themes of the manuscript
Headings Articles can contain up to two levels of headings. The first heading must be written in bold with capital letters for any proper noun. The second heading must be written in bold and italics with capital letters for any proper noun. The use of numbers or letters to indicate the start of each section are unnecessary and should not be used.
Footnotes Authors are discouraged from relying on footnotes to supplement information in the main text. Reference numbers should appear as superior numerals following any punctuation marks. Footnotes are used for bibliographic references. Details of this and examples are below.
Bibliography A bibliography should be included at the end of the article starting on a new page and titled References. Please refer to the examples below which demonstrate how the references should be laid out.

Foreign language text should always be italicized, even when lengthy. American spelling is accepted but spelling practice should be consistent throughout the article. Words ending ise/ize are acceptable in either US/UK spelling but authors must be consistent.Among (not amongst)Focused/focusing (single ‘s’)peacebuilding (as one word)per cent (as two words not one; not %)socio-economic (hyphenated)statebuilding (as one word)

Targeted/targeting (single ‘t’)

While (not whilst)

Dates Dates should be in the form 3 November 1996; 1995-1998; and 1990s.
Quotations Quotations should be placed within double quotation marks (“……”). Quotations larger than four lines should be indented at left margin and single-spaced.
Full stop A single space should be used after a full stop. Do not use two spaces.
Bibliographic References:
  • This should appear as footnotes in Times New Roman, point 10.
  • Reference numbers should appear as superior numerals following any punctuation marks
  • More than one reference citation at a single location in the text should be combined to create a single note.
  • References should be given in abbreviated form in a footnote as Last Name, Short Title, page number. Where there are three or more authors, et al. (not italicised) should be used. A title of less than four words need not be shortened. Web references should be given in full including access dates. The title of the webpage can be shortened.
  • For subsequent references in the footnotes Ibid. (not italicised) may be used to refer to a single work cited in the note immediately preceding. It must not be used if the preceding note contains more than one citation. Op.cit. should not be used:
For example:
  • Book, single author, no specific page

Mark Bassin, Imperial Visions.

  • Book, more than one author, and specific page reference

Martin Griffiths et al., Fifty Key Thinkers in International Relations, 79.

  • Article in journal or edited book

Hook, “Ideas and Change in U.S. Foreign Aid”, 125.

  • Electronic Source
Cordesman, “The Afghan – Pakistan War”, 20 May 2009,
  • Interview

Francis Fukuyama, New York, 20 May 2009, personal interview.

  • References

The list of references appears at the end of the article on starting on a new page.

  • Book or article by one author
Book: Bassin, Mark, Imperial Visions: Nationalist Imagination and Geographical Expansion in the Russian Far East 1840-1865, New York, Cambridge University Press, 1999.

Article: Hook, Steven W., “Ideas and Change in U.S. Foreign Aid: Inventing the Millennium Challenge Corporation”, Foreign Policy Analysis, Vol. 4, No 2, 2008, p.122-135.

  • Book or article by two authors
Book: Viotti, Paul R. and Kauppi, Mark V., International Relations and World Politics, New Jersey, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006.

Article: Mahnken, Thomas G. and FitzSimonds, James R., “Revolutionary Ambivalence: Understanding Officer Attitudes Towards Transformation”, International Security, Vol. 28, No 2, 2003.

  • Book or article by more than three authors
Book: Griffiths, Martin et al., Fifty Key Thinkers in International Relations, London, Routledge, 2008.

Article: Dranove, David et al., “Is More Information Better? The Effects of “Report Cards” on Health Care Providers”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 11, No 3, 2003.

  • Article in an edited book

Ramet, Sabrina P., “The Politics of the Serbian Orthodox Church”, Ramet, Sabrina P. and Pavlaković, Vjeran (eds.), Serbia since 1989, Politics and Society under Milosevic and After, Seattle, University of Washington Press, 2007.

  • Translated book

Von Kral, August R., Kemâl Atatürk’s Land, the Evolution of Modern Turkey, trans. Kenneth Benton, London, P. S. King and Son.

  • Newspaper article
Krugman, Paul, “Reagan Did It”, New York Times, 31 May 2009.

Anonymous newspaper article:“Schweiz gehört künftig zum Schengen-Raum”, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 28 November 2008.

  • Anonymous official or private publication, report etc.

Foreign Relations of the United States, Washington D.C., US Government Printing Office, 1862-1918.

  • Archival document

British Documents on Foreign Affairs, Vol. 4, Document No. 260, 7 June 1878.

  • Electronic source

Anthony H. Cordesman, “The Afghan – Pakistan War”, 20 May 2009, http://www.csis.org/component/option,com_csis_pubs/task,view/id,5490/type,1/ (Accessed 25 May 2009).

  • Interview

Francis Fukuyama, New York, 20 May 2009, personal interview.

  • Thesis
Brody, David, Ajarian Identity and the Regime of Aslan Abashidze, Unpublished M.A. Thesis, Ankara, Bilkent University, Institute of Economics and Social Sciences, 1999.