Prof. Scott Lucas It is now a month after President Bush’s dramatic pronouncement of a US “surge” in Iraq, consisting of more than 20,000 additional troops and...
Dr. Gamze Güngörmüş KONA Oldukça tartışmalı olsa da, şunu dile getirmek isteriz ki bölgeler, haklarında yazılan kitap ve makalelerin sayısına göre gruplandığında Orta Doğu bölgesi kesinlikle ilk sırayı alacaktır. [1] Kısmen, Orta...
Dr. Gamze Güngörmüş KONA ABD’nin Irak’tan çıkış senaryoları kapsamında en olumlu senaryo olarak nitelendirebileceğimiz bu senaryoda ABD’nin sadece 2005 yılı sonuna kadar Irak’ta kalacağı ön görülmektedir. Ancak, ABD bu kısa...
Dr. Gamze Güngörmüş KONA 1917 yılı dünya tarihinin en önemli olaylarından birine tanıklık etmişti. İlk bakışta o kadar da önemli görülmeyen bir güç, tarih sahnesine adım atıyordu. I. Dünya Savaşı’ndan...
CESRAN MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES The Middle East is the homeland of most ancient civilizations. Being at the crossroads of Asia, Africa and Europe, the Middle East...
Discussions on energy security and its geostrategic ramifications continue to be topical for a wide range of states and business stakeholders. For many foreign policymakers, Eurasia, in the first decade...
In 1990s, due to the lack of economic independence, Russia was not able to play an active role in international affairs. The country was highly dependent on donations from the...
Our dear Mother Russia is sick and dying. Power remains as centralized as ever, and the public is still unable to rely on this centrality for security and health benefits. ...
In July 2011, Turkey hosted an international conference to discuss navigation security issues in the Bosphorus and Dardanelles Straits. Ankara has announced its intention of working with foreign oil companies...
It was a historical day that Bacha Khan (1890 - 1988) was born in the strategic tall mountains of Pashtun land located on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Bacha...
Today’s strategic environment provides boundless space for both the international and regional actors to understand, share and cooperate with each other in order to protect and secure their own national...
The history of Russian-Chinese relations are full of turnarounds and mutual distrust, even disdain at times A century of unequal treaties between the two countries, resulting in Russia’s encroachment on...
By the end of 2011 Russian Prime-Minister V. Putin has begun campaign for fight against corruption in the Russian energy sector. Experts underline, that recent anti-corruption “struggle” in Russia will...
The crisis between Iran and the Western powers continues to escalate. Sanctions, wargames, and the ‘covert war’ being conducted against the Iranian nuclear programme has heightened tensions and raised the...
The Black Sea region (BS) — geographically defined as the land and seascape between the Balkans and the Caucasus and current politically located within the Wider Europe strategy from “Dublin...