Call for Papers
Special Issue on Africa
Africa has made significant progress over the last decade. Economic growth rates have been robust as policy makers have realised that a reliance on foreign aid is no foundation for sound economic growth and they need to attract foreign direct investment. Besides while the number of ongoing conflicts has declined, democracy is on the rise, too. Yet, there are some major problems, the continent needs to deal with such as poverty, conflict, drought and many others.
Many rising powers are also seeking to develop their relations with the continent. Brazil, India, China, and Turkey recently are interested in African issues, while the US and the EU are re-orienting their interest in the continent. What are the implications of their involvement? Can they change the destiny of the continent? What is the local reaction to these involvements?
In this sense, the Special Issue of Political Reflection Magazine invites conceptual and empirical papers to advance debate on the challenges, developments and prospects for Africa. Cross-conceptual and theoretical articles would be highly important to advance a holistic, but realistic, understanding of Africa.
Special Issue Guest Editor: Mr Mehmet Ozkan, Sevilla University, Spain & International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Papers should be submitted electronically to Mr Mehmet Ozkan at: metkan82[@]hotmail.com
Submission deadline: 10th of February 2013
Date of Publication: 1st of March 2013