Written by NICOLA NASSER Friday, 04 November 2011 05:30 Surrounded by the Turkish veteran member of NATO in the north, the Israeli NATO partner and the navy fleets of the...
Written by DR. IMAD EL-ANIS Monday, 17 October 2011 06:52 Introduction Studies of the international relations of the Middle East have been dominated by discussions of inter-state relations and conflicts.[1]...
BY IBRAHIM NATIL** | 07.09.2011 The Birth of Hamas By the beginning of the 1980s, the senior leadership of the Palestinian Muslim Brotherhood (Brotherhood) in the Gaza Strip was facing...
A Case Study of the Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya Arab Satellite Television Channels BY SAMAH HAMDAN NAJI HANAYSHA** | 07.09.2011 Introduction Peace Journalism Scholars often interpret the concept of peace journalism...
By Mr FILIPPO GRANDI** | 08.06.2011 Colleagues of Coventry University and the Centre for Peace and Reconciliation Studies, Vice-Chancellor, Ladies and Gentlemen: I am grateful for this opportunity to exchange...
By BARRY RUBIN | 16.05.2011 Save this note. Last year I predicted that Egypt's instability might well be the big story of 2011. Why wait until December? The central...
By Tamer Kasikci | 20.03.2011 Hasan Al-Banna Founder of the Muslim Brotherhood During the January Revolution in Egypt many Middle Eastern experts had two major questions in their mind. The first...
By Paula Sandrin | 17.03.2011 The recent uprising in several Middle Eastern countries has caught the West by surprise and has left it unsure about which course of action to take....
By Dr. Guy Burton | 19.02.2011 The events in Egypt – the Arab world’s largest country – are having reverberations across the Middle East. The reasons for the pro-democracy demonstrations in...
By Prof. Inderjeet Parmar | 19.02.2011 There is a crescendo of self-congratulation in the US State Department about the lack of damage to America’s standing from the continuing Wikileaks’ release...
By Neil Ketchley | 05 February 2011 By Maher Sharif (with introduction and translation by Neil Ketchley) We do not yet know into what shape events in Egypt, Tunisia, and elsewhere...
By Neil Ketchley | 05 February 2011 Maher Sharif (with introduction and translation by Neil Ketchley) The 'Global 1989' as event (and LSE IDEAS research project) remains a critical point of disjuncture...
By Maaike Warnaar 03 January 2011 Western policy makers should be better aware of what their actions mean in the context of Iran's political discourse. If they were, they would...
By Kourosh Ziabari | 10 November 2010 In occupation of the West Bank, Israel has decided on a final round of ethnic cleansing - provoking an all-out confrontation with the Palestinians...
By Dr. Guy Burton | 8 September 2010 With direct talks starting between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, a range of different issues are on the table – and will...