Nicholas Birch nationwide, the CHP only managed to get 2 percent more votes than in general elections in 2007. But in Istanbul, Turkey’s biggest city, it increased votes by 10...
David J. Kramer, Irina Krasovskaya he European Union finds itself in an awkward position at the moment: hoping that an invited guest finds reason to stay away. Last...
Mazhar Yasin Tüylüoğlu tüm dünyanın NATO ve G-20 zirvelerine, Türkiye'nin ise Obama'nın ziyaretine odaklandığı haftada, 5 Nisan 2009 Pazar günü, Moldova Cumhuriyeti'nde parlamento seçimleri gerçekleştirildi. Katılım oranının %60'ı bulmadığı...
By Kadri Kaan Renda Introduction: The European Union (EU) commenced as a project to integrate the six Western European states in economic and then political and cultural area. The economic...
European Studies is a broad field of study providing a historical, political, economic and sociological analysis of current trends and key issues in Europe. Historical and recent developments within Europe,...
There has been a newly emerged concept of “Gezi Parki” the meaning of which resonates in “resistance” against the AKP government and specifically to Recep Tayyib Erdogan, the Prime Minister...
BY HUSREV TABAK** | 07 APRIL 2013 It has been proven that being a nationalist in a country in transition from a modernist national period to a post-national one is...
The most comprehensive peace process between the Turkish state and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) bore its first fruit this spring. BY RAHMAN DAG | MARCH 24, 2013 Despite the...
Remarks articulated last week by Hakan Şükür, a famous former football player and current parliamentary deputy, garnered widespread attention and reminded the public that there are ethnic Albanians living in...
The expression goes “history repeats itself,” but does it really? On Dec. 31, 1991, the USSR President and Soviet Communist Party Secretary-General Mikhail Gorbachev presented his resignation to the Soviet...
It is worth questioning the reasons why Turkish nationalists (both national socialists and conservatives) in Turkey are prone to deploying the military in dealing with minority and Kurdish issues and...
Last week the All Party Parliamentary Group on Conflict Issues, held an event in Westminster. BY BARONESS HUSSEIN-ECE OBE | JULY 17, 2012 The meeting introduced a new concept where...
On the eve of World War I (WWI), Winston Churchill, as the first lord of the Admiralty, converted the Royal Navy from coal to oil. As a result, a shift...
In what seems to be an extraordinary shift in its involvement in Africa, Turkey is fast becoming an ally – and international actor – in Somalia’s theater. BY ABDIHAKIM AYNTE...