CESRAN CENTRE FOR POLITICS AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS The Centre for Politics and International Relations, as can be understood from the title, is established in order not only to...
The G192 Report
The Stiglitz commission on the 2008 crash was obstructed and derided, especially by the US and UK. Five years on, with the crisis set to last, it is vital that...
A Comparative Business Case for Bridging Strategies
The current US Foreign Policy seeks to maintain a balance of power among Nation States. The US expects to confront all manner of persistent conflict through a global engagement strategy....
The Hindrance of Development in Pakistan: How Pakistan is Holding Itself Back
A full, liberal democracy is a system that has fair, competitive elections along with conditions such as: nearly universal suffrage, a loyal opposition, and respected civil liberties. Democratic practices give...
The Zombie Currency and the Fetters of Europe
Hobbes once said that money is the “Sanguification of the Commonwealth” Wherever it circulates, so it brings goods from those who produced them to those who need them, and in...
Using the Device of a Treaty to Control Corporations?
In today's modern democracies, corporations wield significant influence over our lives, as well as over our governments. In the wake of the global financial crisis, it is evident that corporate...
Towards a European Tobin Tax?
Reports in the press this week suggested that German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, had been won over to the idea of introducing a tax on financial transactions at the European level....
Capitalism in Crisis – the Apologia
The Financial Times recently launched a series of articles on “Capitalism in Crisis”. As we enter the fourth year of the global banking collapse and the long depression in real output for...
How Credible are the Credit Rating Agencies?
With the 'big three' in an enormous position of power, it is time to regulate the ratign agencies effectively. PROF. JOHN RYAN | DECEMBER 12, 2012 The reputational crisis of...
Specterless Europe: What is the problem to which Europe seeks a solution?
Written by THE CURRENT MOMENT Saturday, 03 December 2011 15:57 A crisis of confidence says ECB President Mario Draghi, and just about everyone else. Confidence is lacking in the ability...
Democracy versus Debt Sustainability
Written by THE CURRENT MOMENT Debt sustainability has emerged as one of the key issues of the day and one that brings the different poles of the rich world together:...
Debt and Coercion
Written by DR. ALEX GOUREVITCH Among the Solonic reforms that made Athens democratic was the abolition of debt-bondage. In his history of Rome, Livy wrote that the Lex Poetelia of 326 BC,...
Export Trade Performance of Indian Economy during and Following the Global Financial Crisis
Written by DR. SUMANJEET SINGH Friday, 14 October 2011 17:51 Introduction The global financial crisis which was actually triggered by the US sub-prime mortgage market in early 2007, started to...
In the Eurozone, Indecision is Final
Written by DANIEL MASON Wednesday, 05 October 2011 16:53 The FT Deutschland this week reported that Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou was considering resignation. According to one source he feels powerless, because...
Will High Economic Growth Ever Return?
By DEAN CARROLL | 30.06.2011 This week, China made clear its intention to buy up government debt in Europe. The country's $3 trillion currency reserves, the largest in the world,...