In this paper, the author has made an attempt to analyse the growing severity of two closely linked issues of climate change and energy security and its possible repercussions on India’s national security. In recent times there has been a lot of debate and discussion over the linkage of energy security and climate change. In this debate, national security has become a key element on the possible effects and policy responses to energy security and climate change. As energy security and climate change have in recent times gained increasing attention, so its security implications became the focus of concern for our country. As an emerging power with a lot of development needs, India faces a huge challenge to manage the vulnerability to the impacts of climate change and energy security. Climate change and energy security concerns create significant challenges for India as it has the potential to threaten national security of the country. On the one hand India does not want any constraints on its development prospects in which energy has a key role to play while on the other hand, it faces a tough challenge partly due to international pressure and partly to national security concerns over the issue of climate change. Climate change and energy security will play key roles in the future security environment of our country. Like many other countries, India is also currently facing the dual problems of ensuring energy security and climate change. India will therefore need to save and devote even more resources for meeting economic well-being needs with greater environmental sustainability. Broad-based economic and social development is ultimately the answer.
Published in Political Reflection Magazine Vol. 4 No. 3