Vol. V | No. IV - October-November-December 2019 To Download the Magazine Click Here... CONTENTS 05-07..... World News by Furkan Sahin 08-11..... Reflections on the Turkey Syria Conundrum by Assoc....
Dr Ozgur Tufekci oztufekci@cesran.org Political Reflection Magazine | Vol. 20 Russia Federation as the core successor of the Soviet Union has been profoundly influential in world politics under the prolonged...
Dr Sharifullah Dorani* Sharifullah.durrani@cesran.org Political Reflection Magazine | Vol. 20 This short essay contains two sections. Section one briefly reviews what the Groupthink Model is. Section two deals with how...
Dr Hüsrev Tabak husrevtabak@cesran.org Political Reflection Magazine | Vol. 20 Turkey is establishing a research base in Antarctica. At first sight, this may be seen as a relatively minor issue,...
Alasdair Bowie alasdair.bowie@cesran.org Political Reflection Magazine | Vol. 20 In recent years the British Army has become embroiled in a series of long campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan, which have...