"Post Mubarak Egypt: Historic Changes and Challenges" By Salwa Al Khatib | 22.03.2011 On 25 January 2011—Thousands of Egyptians took to the streets to demand an end to President Hosni Mubarak’s...
Director of Centre for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan By Husrev Tabak and Ozgur Tufekci | 10 December 2010 In this exclusive interview with CESRAN's Hüsrev Tabak and...
By K. Kaan Renda and Ozgur Tufekci | 03 October 2010 In this exclusive interview with CESRAN's K. Kaan Renda and Ozgur Tufekci, Dr. Muhamet Hamiti, the first Ambassador of the Republic...
By Aksel Ersoy | 01 April 2010 Ahmed Rashid is an award-winning journalist and one of the world's foremost experts on Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Taliban. Christopher Hitchens described him as...
Turning to a never-ending story because of the uncertainity about the director whether to be Guillermo Del Toro or or the director of The Lord of the Rings trilogy Peter...
Watching a TVseries is a great time investment compared to enjoying a movie. That is why, I feel quite picky before taking the risk of being a follower of several...
The Pakistani Urdu Language Drama Film “Khuda Kay Liye (In the Name of God)”, literal translation “For God’s Sake”, is the story of misinterpretation of Islam and its backlash on...
Turkish auteur Nuri Bilge Ceylan’s last movie Bir Zamanlar Anadolu’da (Once Upon a Time in Anatolia) is a story of a murder and the officers’ efforts to find the place where the...
This is a movie which can prove that a war scene between two brigades would probably not be more influential than seeing the beginning of war between two next-door neighbours....
By ENES ERBAY | 26.09.2011 The boundaries between television drama and cinema have blurred in recent years. Tim Van Patten, the director of The Sopranos, once said “This show [The Sopranos]...
By Enes Erbay | 01 June 2010 As a masterpiece in Haneke's filmography, Funny Games US (2007) is a remake of the Funny Games (1997). This anti-thriller, like the others that precede it, is...
By Alaaddin F. Paksoy | 26 September 2010 "The fault of the movie is simple. It is a movie about Turkey without any Turk in it, neither in the cast nor...