By Steven J. Rosen | 01 April 2010 U.S. President Barack Obama's decision to confront Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Israeli construction activity in East Jerusalem has been greeted by...
By Dr. Talat Ulussever | 01 April 2010 It is a well-known fact that financial markets, especially banks, are subject to more developed regulatory mechanisms than other sectors of the economy...
Aljazeera | 03 April 2010 Russia and Venezuela have agreed to work more closely on defence and energy issues, saying that such co-operation was vital to ensure a "multi-polar" world. ...
Interview of Carlos Danilo Amador Todd Gordon and Jeffery R. Webber 30 January 2010 RW/TG: We’re here in Tegucigalpa, Honduras (January 26). Can you give us your name and position in your organization?...
Josh Rogin 29 January 2010 Being secretary of state is a grueling job; you're on the road most weeks, and often you get a lot less say in your country's...
Walter Russell Mead This is one of the most unpopular headlines an American blogger can write, a guaranteed hit-suppressor. But it is true nevertheless, as President Obama is now finding...
Richard Wall Woodrow Wilson was disliked in his own lifetime, by some even loathed. The reasons advanced for this range from academic rivalries and disputes during his tenure at...
Colombia says it will not allow recent tensions with Venezuela to escalate into violence, after it accused Venezuelan troops of blowing up two footbridges that link the countries. Gabriel...
Mazhar Yasin Tüylüoğlu Orta ve Güney Amerika ile ilgili haberler son dönemde sıklıkla gündeme geliyor. Bu haberlerden ilki Honduras'taki darbe ve sonrasında yaşananlarla ilgili. Konuya ilişkin yorumlarımızı içeren bir yazı yayınlamıştık ancak...
Igor Torbakov US President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev got down to business on July 6, trying to place US-Russian relations back on a solid foundation after...
Scott Lucas so much for the Obama Administration putting a check on the Pentagon and its ambitions. Writing in The Intelligence Daily, Tim Burghardt reveals the expansion of the military “black...
Cemal Demir muhafazakar gruplar ülke genelinde federal hükümetin vergi ve harcama politikasını protesto ederken, Texas'tan ayrılık sesleri yükseldi. Texas Valisi Rick Perry'nin de bağımsızlık imasında bulunması şok etkisi...
Andrés Martinez iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Mexico. ... Mexico? Really? Mexico! All of a sudden, it seems, Mexico popped up on the list of scary places that should keep you up...
Francis Fukuyama One of the most obvious policy initiatives that the United States could undertake right now is is to seriously up the amount of help being given Mexico...
Prof. Scott Lucas With no further ado, American Studies in five episodes: EPISODE 1: WE’RE NUMBER ONE A young boy grows in the US South of...