Francis Fukuyama One of the most obvious policy initiatives that the United States could undertake right now is is to seriously up the amount of help being given Mexico...
Prof. Scott Lucas With no further ado, American Studies in five episodes: EPISODE 1: WE’RE NUMBER ONE A young boy grows in the US South of...
Prof. Scott Lucas As Robert Fisk has written, ‘The real and frightening story starts now.’[i] It may be the only occasion where he is in accord with neo-conservatives...
Prof. Scott Lucas In October 2001 Charlotte Beers, formerly the head of the Madison Avenue advertising firms Oglivy and Mather and J. Walter Thompson, joined the George W....
Prof. Scott Lucas Five years ago, the freelance historian Frances Stonor Saunders caused a flurry of press comment with the publication of her Who Paid the Piper?, published...
By Prof. Scott Lucas On 14 October 2001, President George W. Bush complained to a prime-time press conference, “I’m amazed that there is such misunderstanding of what our country is...
The study of politics of the Americas requires a redefinition of how one defines what region, regionness, and regional area studies mean. By region, we are not speaking of clear,...
Strasbourg, the seat of many European institutions, will host the first World Forum for Democracy from 5 to 11 October. Unlike the EU, the European Council — a co-organiser of the...
The European Commission has always been the object of debates and analyses as to what extent the European Union (EU) political structure is democratic, since the structure of the Commission...
Security policy is a very important factor of a nation’s strength as it determines considerably its political independence and social stability. Security policy is not just the implementation of a...
Natural resources have long been the cause of both development and conflict. Of course, in resource-abundant countries natural resources have, more often than not, caused conflict rather than development. However,...
Cultural differences have become, in the eyes of some, an impediment to Turkish accession to the EU. French sociologist Amaury de Riencourt makes a clear distinction between culture and civilization....
The new French president will have to make a decision about a European treaty that would demand still greater austerity. The choice will affect the future of France, and of...
Is this David Cameron’s Munich? It is not without historical irony that the only other country to stand with Britain over the Fiscal Compact at yesterday's EU Summit was the Czech Republic which Chamberlain...