The Betrayal of Dissent

Prof. Scott Lucas                                                                                           As Robert Fisk has written, ‘The real and frightening story starts now.’[i] It may be the only occasion where he is in accord with neo-conservatives...

Enduring “America”: Making the Preponderant Universal?

Prof. Scott Lucas                                                                                           In October 2001 Charlotte Beers, formerly the head of the Madison Avenue advertising firms Oglivy and Mather and J. Walter Thompson, joined the George W....


Prof. Scott Lucas                                                                                           Five years ago, the freelance historian Frances Stonor Saunders caused a flurry of press comment with the publication of her Who Paid the Piper?, published...

Cameron’s Munich?

Is this David Cameron’s Munich? It is not without historical irony that the only other country to stand with Britain over the Fiscal Compact at yesterday's EU Summit was the Czech Republic which Chamberlain...