J. Peter Pham This week, the Russian Navy found the Arctic Sea, a timber freighter that mysteriously disappeared at the end of July after passing through the English Channel. The...
Michael Sheehan, Karen Greenberg U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced earlier this summer that the State Department will issue an inaugural "Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review," or QDDR....
Yigal Schleifer After decades of conflict and repressive policies, Turkish leaders appear to be taking concrete steps toward resolving the Kurdish issue. But analysts warn that domestic opposition and the lack...
Scott Lucas, Prof. Hillary Clinton’s address to the Council on Foreign Relations on Wednesday was awful. Sorry. I should be fair: if the speech was meant as a statement of US strategy,...
Mazhar Yasin Tüylüoğlu Özet: Küreselleşmenin giderek yaygınlaştığı günümüzde, ulus-devletlerin varlığı konusu sürekli gündem oluşturmaktadır. Bu küreselleşme ve ulus-devlet ikileminde uluslararası aktörlerin çıkar çatışmaları büyük rol oynarken, Azınlık unsuru da arada...
It is widely believed that the attacks of September 11 were a turning point for international relations since it led countries worldwide to assess the threat of terrorism and generate...
CENTER FOR SECURITY STUDIES This center aims to bring together the academicians and thinkers in the field of Security Studies, which has emerged as a growing subfield of...
In Political Reflection Magazine, vol. 3, issue 3, Dr. Terry Tucker writes about the role social media played in the Arab Spring and the campaigns against SOPA/PIPA (Stop Online Piracy/Protect...
BY PROF. STEFAN WOLFF | JULY 2012 The mandate of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM), agreed by the participating states of the July 1992 Helsinki Summit of...
This argument is based on two specific works. The first is a review essay of Noam Chomsky’s monograph entitled Hopes and Prospects (2010, Chicago: Haymarket). Therein I began trying to explain a...
In December of 2010 a man in Tunisia self-immolated in protest and what has followed has literally been explosive, as the lessons learned on the use of social media has...
Since the peace process began after the Oslo Accords were signed in 1993, the international community has invested heavily in building Palestinian institutions and preparing for a future Palestinian state...
This paper arises from action research exploring the extent to which secular and religious peacebuilding may prove to be a resource for contemporary UK community cohesion. The research was centred...
From the historic continental United States of America to the savannah lands of Africa through the oil regions of the Middle East to the Asian and Russian peninsula, the European...
It is a common belief in political essays and academic papers that politics have been trapped into a new circle of voting seeking. The well-founded political labels of left-wing and...