Siobhán McEvoy-Levy Peace and Resistance in Youth Cultures London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, ISBN 978-1-137-49870-0, 422 p. Download the Review in PDF... What is the role that pop...
The 12th issue of JCTS (Journal of Conflict Transformation & Security) is out now... Vol. 7 | No. 1 | 2019 | Click here to Download the Entire Issue TABLE...
Large bombings, only days apart, in Bogota and Derry/Londonderry have put paid to any notions of a simple peace process in either country. These events show that the two very...
Since the Vietnam War, officials of the United States have increasingly abused the essential democratic safeguards of accountability and an informed citizenry in apparent attempts to protect themselves from being...
Professor Ozgur Tufekci and Professor Luís Moita signed the MoU for IEPAS2019 (the 6th International Conference on Eurasian Politics and Society), which will be organised by CESRAN International and OBSERVARE...
Vol. V | No. I - January-February-March 2019 To Download the Magazine Click Here... CONTENTS 05-06.....World News by Furkan Sahin 09-14.....The Ideological Potential of Climate Change: (Post) Politics in the Age...
CESRAN International is pleased to announce that it has been named again amongst the world’s best think tanks. The 2018 Global Go To Think Tank Index ranked CESRAN International 141st...
Deng Xiaoping’s motto “keep cool-headed to observe, be composed to make reactions, stand firmly, hide our capabilities and bide our time, never try to take the lead, and be able...
Introduction Emerging countries are gaining more importance in the international arena, inaugurating policies aimed at covering those roles that Western ones seem unable to deal with. In particular, the BRICS...
This essay is composed of three sections. Section one reviews what the Bureaucratic Politics Approach is. Section two gives an explanation as to how the approach can be applied to...
The Republic of Turkey has always had a complex relationship with Islam. As Martin puts it, Islam has been 'simultaneously blamed as the source of backwardness and defeat, and lauded...
There is a thin stria between revolution and terrorism. If an uprising or a revolt results in a new social, political and economic order, it becomes a revolution superseding the...
Turkish-American relations have witnessed several crises since the beginning of their partnership under the Truman Doctrine. Washington’s reluctance to provide economic help to the Menderes government in the late 1950s,...
Dr. Alain Gabon is Associate Professor of French Studies in the Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literatures at Virginia Wesleyan University, Virginia Beach, USA. He has widely lectured and published...
Vol. IV | No. V - October-November-December 2018 To Download the Magazine Click Here... CONTENTS 04-06.....World News by Furkan Sahin 08-20.....Terrorism in Syria and Beyond: An Interview with Prof. Alain Gabon by Dr....