U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy, the elder statesman of America's most famous political family, is dead at the age of 77 (born 2/22/32) after a battle with brain cancer. He was...
Nicholas Kitchen The end of the Cold War is arguably the most important event to hit the discipline of international relations since the first chair in the subject...
Prof. Francis Fukuyama I have been asked for this panel to reflect on the question of how the core ideas of the early 1990s on what the post-Cold War world...
Francis Fukuyama I don’t feel it is my job to give advice to anyone here, particularly the presidents who spoke before me, concerning the specifics of political and economic arrangements...
Matthew Tomiak Clear-cut gender roles as depicted in the early “Indian Captivity Narratives,” a genre that represented “arguably the first American literary form dominated by women’s experiences as captives,...
Mazhar Yasin Tüylüoğlu Uluslararası İlişkiler ve Dünya Gündemi Analizleri'ni kurduğum günden beri ilk kez bir konu hakkında arka arkaya iki ayrı yazı yayınlamış olacağım fakat Nabucco, bundan daha fazlasını hak...
Jessica Powley Hayden The Nabucco pipeline project took a major step forward when five transit countries recently signed an agreement after years of hesitation. But at least one wild card...
Prof. Mustafa Aydın Turkey is not a bridge and I think we should forget using this rhetoric. We should drop this rhetoric from Turkish foreign policy. We are a kind...
Nicholas Kitchen Three pieces I’ve read this week caught my attention: the first on Barack Obama’s response to being asked to describe the ‘Obama Doctrine’ in foreign policy; the second on...
It is a sobering time for the world’s most fragile countries—virulent economic crisis, countless natural disasters, and government collapse. This year, we delve deeper than ever into just...
Nick Kitchen Reading today Mark Tractenberg’s typically thorough piece on Preventative War and US Foreign Policy, (Security Studies 16. 1) I was struck by just how much scholarship there now is...
Scott Lucas l Jazeera’s headline this morning cleverly uses scare quotes: “US Military ‘Confirms’ Afghan Deaths”.The raised eyebrows over “confirm” are justified, however. While “a senior military official” told the press, in...
Yigal Schleife with a series of well-received speeches, events and high-level meetings, President Barack Obama’s state visit to Turkey appears to have achieved its main goal of laying a new...
Kadri Kaan Renda ankara`nın Irak politikasının iki temel parametresi Irak`ın bütünlüğünün korunması ve PKK ile mücadeledir.[1] Bu bağlamda Ankara 2003 yılından beri Irak`ın toprak bütünlüğünün korunması için uluslararası arenada sürekli...
Niall Ferguson Forget Iran, Iraq, and North Korea—Bush’s “Axis of Evil.” As economic calamity meets political and social turmoil, the world’s worst problems may come from countries like Somalia,...